Links for HSPs
Sources of Information for Highly Sensitive People:
- The Highly Sensitive Person (The number one website for HSPs is Dr. Elaine Aron’s website, with online HSP self test and in depth information based on her research, books and documentaries on High Sensitivity. Check out her extensive searchable newsletter archive for useful articles, her listing of research articles and her world-wide listing of Therapists and Coaches knowledgeable about High Sensitivity.)
- (This fairly new (launched in 2020) and a very useful webiste for HSPs is run by researchers dedicated to sharing reliable and evidence-based knowledge on the human trait of sensitivity)
- Vantage (A UK charity that campaigns to increase awareness and acceptance of high sensitivity and also offers corporate consultancy services and mindfullness based stress reduction workshops. One of the first of its kind in the world I believe – and hopefully many more will follow!)
- National Centre for High Sensitivity Blog (Although the National Centre for High Sensitivity in the UK is, sadly, nomore – you can still browse it’s blog with helpful articles for HSPs and its useful directory of Professionals specialising to support HSPs in the UK. This hugely influential organisation (2010 – 2020), has raised awareness of high sensitivity and provided wide range of training and support to HSPs and professionals in the UK – among them myself. Luckily, its founder and director, Barbara Allen, is still providing support, training and consultancy based on her highest level of expertise at Growing Unlimited.)
- HSP Gathering Retreat
(Information on annual HSP gatherings in the UK and USA and Myers Briggs personality type workshops with an HSP overlay – incorporating knowledge about the HSP trait to this useful personality type system.)
- Sustainably Sensitive
(Emily Agnew’s excellent web page with lots of insightful articles that combine the wisdom of Focusing with thorough knowledge about high sensitivity.)
- Sensitive Evolution
(Maria Hill’s’s web page with articles, an online course and a movie club community community for HSPs, who are interested in making sense of their sensitivity in the midst of the changing cultural landscape of our times)
- Peter Messerschmidt’s writings on Hubpages (Full of excellent in depth articles written for and about Highly Sensitive People – especially useful for Highly Sensitive Men as it is written from their perspective.)
- The Happy Sensitive
(Caroline Van Kimmenade’s web page with lots of useful articles for HSPs and probably one of the most sensible information you can find about Empaths.)
(A free email discussion group for parents of Highly Sensitive Children)
- Brighton HSP Network page on Facebook (Sharing information, inspiration and networking with local HSPs)
Films and Audio for Highly Sensitive People:
- The Highly Sensitive Person – video by Shari Dyer. (An interview with Elaine N Aron PHD, Clinical & Research Psychologist – helpful as an introduction about the trait of high sensitivity – 8 min.)
- Highly Sensitive Boys and Men – video by Shari Dyer. (Excerpts from an interview with the wonderful late Dr. Ted Zeff. – helpful for getting the basics about highly sensitivite men – 13 min.)
- A talk on High Sensitivity – Part 1 – video by Shari Dyer. (Dr. Elaine N Aron talks about research findings related to High Sensitivity. – 32 min.)
- A talk on High Sensitivity – Part 2 – video by Shari Dyer. (Dr. Elaine N Aron talks about issues related to living as an HSP. – 15 min.)
- A talk on High Sensitivity – Part 3 – video by Shari Dyer. (Dr. Elaine N Aron answers questions about High Sensitivity. – 6 min.)
- Sensitive – The Untold Story – documentary by The GlobalTouch Group, Inc. (Info about the documentary (63mins.) made with the assistance of Dr. Elaine Aron and crowdfunded by HSPs all over the world – inc. link to trailer – 5 min.)
- Counselling Highly Sensitive People – audio by Jacqueline Strickland (Jaccquelin Strickland talks about ways that HSPs can empower themselves in this insightful audio – 20 min.)
- Self Care for HSPs – video by Barbara Allen-Williams and Ayami Andrews (Ayami made this artistic short film, featuring Barbara Allen-Williams talking about self care for HSPs. – 3 min.)
- Can you be a HSP & create a thriving business? – video by by Marianne Cantwell (Valuable tips about making your own business that works in harmony with your sensitivity.)
- What is an HSP? – video by Jacquelyn Strickland (A good brief introduction about the highly sensitive trait. – 5 mins.)
- The Gentle Power of HSPs – video by Elena Herdieckerhoff (This is an evocative and highly popular TEDx talk about highly sensitive people and why we need their sensitivity in our world. – 16 mins.)
- Techniques for Overwhelm – video by Peter Levine and Ruth Buczionsky, PhD (A short video describing two ways to self-soothe when things get overwhelming – this can be very useful for HSPs, although not specificly made for them. – 6 mins.)
- Highly Sensitive People – audio with Barbara Allen and Jenny Tobias (Recording of a BBC Radio Guernsey interview with Barbara Allen about highly sensitive people. – 37 mins.)
- Understanding highly sensitive people: Nurture or Nature? – video by Irene Lyon (Very useful clarification about the difference between the normal innate trait of high sensitivity and debilitating level of hyper-sensitivity (= hypervigilance) acquired due to difficult life experiences. – 14 mins.)
- Gratitude – video by Louie Schwartzberg (Not strictly HSP related, but I’m certain all sensitive people will resonate with this beautiful short film. It is suitable as a guided gratitude practice. – 5 mins.)
Useful Articles for Highly Sensitive People:
- Vantage Sensitivity (Dr. Elaine Aron’s writes about recent research findings related to the advantages of high sensitivity.)
- Time to Find Out: Are You Highly Sensitive? (A good introduction article by Elaine Aron on the Psychology Today website, including link to free self-test.)
- The Challenges of The Highly Sensitive Man(An excellent article exploring the unique aspects of being a Highly Sensitive Man by Peter Messerschmidt.)
- OK, so I’m an HSP– NOW what? (A helpful article about finding your next steps after realising that you are an HSP by Peter Messerschmidt.)
- Sensitive? Emotional? Empathetic? It could be in your genes (Article by Stony Brook University about the research that demonstrates how the brain of HSPs work differently.)
- Discussing Your Trait with Therapists (Elaine Aron writes about how to talk about High Sensitivity with Therapists.)
- Understanding the Highly Sensitive Person (Good introduction to the trait of High Sensitivity – what it is and what it is not by Peter Messerschmidt and Sarah Sydney Nash.)
- The HSP who is also a High Sensation Seeker (Are you an HSP and love novelty, spontaneity and adventures? This article is written for you by Dr. Elaine Aron.)
- Introversion, Extroversion and the Highly Sensitive Person (Extroverted HSPs often referred to as the “extroverted introvert,” the “outgoing introvert” or the “contemplative extrovert”. This excellent article by Jacquelyn Strickland explains how extroversion shows up in HSPs and dispells some misuderstandings about them.)
- Emotional Regulation and HSPs (Dr. Elaine Aron explains why emotions and their regulations can be such an issue for HSPs and ways to manage it better.)
- HSPs And Self-Care: Putting Yourself First Is Not Selfish (Useful article about issues related to self-care for HSPs and ways to resolve these by Peter Messerschmidt.)
- Highly Sensitive People in the workplace (Article about typical workplace issues HSPs face and the importance of healthy work environment by Janine Ramsey.)
- Tips for Dealing with the Holiday Season for HSPs (Tips for HSPs about how to survive well the Christmas and the holiday season by Peter Messerschmidt.)
- Intense Feelings and Learning to Respond Instead of React (In depth article about ways to cope with the intense emotional life that is part of being an HSP by Peter Messerschmidt.)
- The Controversy Over the “highly sensitive person? (Excellent counter-argument by Jacquelyn Strickland to an article that portrays highly sensitive people vastly inaccurately.)
Articles about Highly Sensitive Children and Parenting:
- The Highly Sensitive Parent (Dr. Elaine Aron’s writes about coping as a highly sensitive parent.)
- Working With Sensitive, Withdrawing Children (Jan Kristal’s article about sensitive children, who are easily overlooked because of their quietness.)
- The Temperament Perspective (This review of Jan Kristal’s book is for parents of sensitive children, and also for professionals, such as teachers and counsellors.)
- How Can We Talk About Sensitivity to Children (Dr. Elaine Aron is describing high sensitivity in a simple way that can speak to children.)
- How Does Sensitivity Differ from Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and the “Autistic Spectrum” (Dr. Elaine Aron
is clarifying distinctions between highly sensitive children from children on the autistic spectrum.)
- Is Sensitivity the Same as Being Gifted? (Dr. Elaine Aron is clarifying distinction between Sensory Processing Sensitivity and giftedness)
- Growing Up Gifted Is Not Easy (Dr. Elaine Aron is writing on the subject of the problems of HSCs, who have been noticed for their giftedness.)
- Enjoying the Holidays with Your Highly Sensitive Child (Dr. Elaine Aron is writing about special considerations for Highly Sensitive Children during holiday season. Useful read for all HSPs.)
- A Review of Attachment Play by Aletha Solter, Ph. D. (Dr. Elaine Aron’s book review about a creative approach to discipline for children from birth to twelve that goes beyond simply being.)
- The normal needs of highly sensitive children at school (Barbara Allen’s
advice for parents of highly sensitive children who have concerns about their child’s behaviour at school.)
- Highly Sensitive Children at School (Barbara Allen’s
advice for parents of highly sensitive children who have concerns about their child’s behaviour at school.)
- Is Our Educational System Making Highly Sensitive Pupils Sick? (Barbara Allen’s writes about concerns about the modern school environment’s impact on highly sensitive children.)
UK Therapists with an interest in working with HSPs:
- Clare Myatt (Location: London & Birmingham, via phone & Skype – Website – Tel: 07894 714 853 – Email)
- Cindy Barnes (Location: Cookham Dean, Berkshire, via phone & Skype – Website – Tel: 07739 188 039 – Email)
- Christine Gault (Location: St Albans, Herts, via Skype & FaceTime – Website – Tel: 07836 312 760 – Email)
- Nina Khoo (Personal Development Coach – Location: Winchester, Hampshire, Skype & Facetime – Website – Tel: 07812 251 440 – Email)
- David Wilson (Location: Gloucestershire & London, via phone, Skype & email- Website – Tel: 07421 046 591 – Email)
- Helen Gibbs (Location: West Liss, near Petersfield, Hampshire and via Skype – Website – Tel: 07503 461 838 – Email)
- Marcus Sly (Location: Surrey and online via Zoom – Website – Tel: 07747 481 182)
- Tiffany Carthy (Location: Isle of Wight and online – Website – Tel: +44 7863 339261)
- Rose Arnold (Location: between Chester and Northwich and via phone – Website – Tel: +44 7984 290514 – Email)
If you are a UK therapist (Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, Life Coach or similar) interested in working with HSP clients, contact , if you would like to be added to the list above.